Types of Nursing Specialties: 20 Fast-Growing Nursing Fields

护士的种类随着护理领域的不断发展, there are a variety of different 护士的种类 you can be. 对护士的需求在不断增长, 和 the nursing career path offers many worthwhile benefits such as strong salaries, 大量的机会, 还有一种满足感. 通过这篇文章, you’ll learn what kind of nurses there are 和 the unique opportunities for each of these types of nursing jobs.


有这么多护理专业, it can be hard to decide what type of nurses would be a good fit for you. From an oncology nurse to a nurse practitioner, there is a type of nurse for every interest. Below you can find a list of different 护士的种类 和 descriptions for the 20 fastest-growing nursing specialties.

1. 注册护士(注册护士)

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位
  • 预期就业增长: 增加15%
  • 工作地点: 医院、住宿护理设施等.
  • 相关证书: 国家护理执照
  • 工资: 年薪中位数77,600美元(2021年)

Registered Nurses (RN) provide 和 coordinate patient care, educate patients 和 the public about various health conditions, 和 provide advice 和 emotional support to patients 和 their family members. Most registered nurses work in a team with physicians 和 other health care specialists in various settings. 根据 注册护士的类型 你想成为什么样的人,就应该考虑是否能成为一个人 RN vs BSN学位更适合你. You will need either an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in nursing to become an RN, therefore you can begin working in the field much sooner than other medical professions. 作为注册护士, you have the many career opportunities to work in different specialties depending on your interests.

选择本专业,如果: you are seeking a career in the medicial field that allows you to work within a healthcare team to care for patients 和 would like to begin working only after two to four years of schooling.


2. 心脏护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加16%
  • 工作地点: 医院,家庭护理和康复中心
  • 相关证书: 国家护理执照
  • 工资: 每年75,330美元中位数(2020年)

One of the leading causes of death in the United States today is heart disease. The dem和 for cardiac nurses continues to grow with the rising number of patients affected with heart-related problems. 作为一名心脏病护士, you will also assist with surgical procedures such as bypass, 血管成形术, 或者心脏起搏器手术.

选择本专业,如果: you are interested in issues related to the heart 和 would like to assist in various surgeries or developing treatment plans for patients.


3. 注册护士麻醉师(CRNA)

  • 教育要求: Masters Degree (MSN), Registered Nurse License (RN) 和 One Year in Acute Care Setting
  • 预期就业增长: 增加16%
  • 工作地点: 医院,外科中心,专科医生办公室
  • 相关证书: CRNA认证
  • 工资: 年薪中位数为195610美元

A 注册护士麻醉师(CRNA) is a highly trained nurse that specializes in assisting with anesthesia 在 surgeries. CRNA’s make up some of the highest-paid nurse specialties in the medical field due to the high dem和 of these nurses in surgical settings 和 detailed training they receive. In order to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist, 你必须完成研究生水平课程的学位. 

选择本专业,如果: you are interested in assisting patients man年龄 their pain before, 在手术或疾病治疗期间和之后.


4. 临床专科护士(CNS)

  • 教育要求: 硕士学位,有时是博士学位
  • 预期就业增长: 15%(远快于平均水平)
  • 工作地点: 医院, Physician’s Offices, In-首页 健康 Care services, etc.
  • 相关证书: N/A
  • 平均年薪: $94,483 

Clinical nurse specialists are a type of advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), who provide direct patient care by working with other nurses 和工作人员 to improve the quality of care a patient receives. They often serve in leadership roles 和 may educate 和 advise other nursing staff. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 如何成为一个中枢神经系统, or 在CNS专业中探索更多的职业选择.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to pursue a leadership role within the nursing field 和 are interested in managing a staff of nurses while also practicing medicine.


5. 重症监护护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加19%
  • 工作地点: 医院和医生办公室
  • 相关证书: 高级心脏生命支持认证
  • 工资: 平均年薪77,810美元(2022年)

重症监护护士s are very similar to Registered Nurses, 尤其是在教育水平上, but the main difference is a critical care nurse is specifically trained for emergency situations. A critical care nurse can be expected to tend to serious wounds 和 monitoring life support systems in stressful scenarios.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to assist patients in major traumatic events such as serious injury or life threatening illness.

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6. 急诊室的护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加16%
  • 工作地点: 医院
  • 相关证书: 注册急救护士(CEN)
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年62010美元

和他们的团队在急诊室, an ER nurse performs an array of tasks after careful evaluation 和 stabilization of a patient. An ER nurse can be expected to determine proper medication administration by reviewing a patient’s medical charts, 也可以治疗基本的伤口或小病.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to assist patients with a wide variety of injuries or ailments in a high pressure scenario.

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7. 家庭执业护士(FNP)

  • 教育要求: Master's Degree in Nursing (MSN) 和 Registered Nursing License (RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加16%
  • 工作地点: 医生办公室和临终关怀设施
  • 相关证书: 500个教师监督的临床时数
  • 工资: $123,780 年中位数(2021年)

A family nurse practitioner (FNP) are specifically trained in primary health care services for all 年龄s. Normal duties of a family nurse practitioner include diagnosing 和 treating illnesses, 物理考试, 诊断测试和处方药物.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to provide more in-depth 和 comprehensive medical care for patients of all 年龄s.


8. 老年护理

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 19 - 26%增加
  • 工作地点: 医院,医生办公室和疗养院
  • 相关证书: 老年护理证书
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年66169美元

A geriatric nurse specializes in the treatment of older patients in order to provide care for injuries or ailments, 疾病和维持自己的生活质量. 除了照顾老年病人, they can also anticipate future care for their patients 和 long-term illnesses such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. 

选择本专业,如果: you would like to help the aging community with their basic needs or more advanced treatment, 从医疗保健, 身体疾病或精神状况.

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9. 围手术期护士(外科/手术室护士)

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加16%
  • 工作地点: 医院、外科中心和门诊设施
  • 相关证书: CNOR 和 Certified Nurse First Assistant (CNFA) Certifications
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年68,450美元

围手术期护士, 也被称为外科护士或手术室护士, 着重于病人的术前和术后护理. 他们可以搭建一间手术室来做手术, 管理操作工具, 和 apply b和年龄s 在 surgeries to control 和 maintain the bleeding of a patient.

选择本专业,如果: 你有兴趣提供实物, 情感或精神上对女性的关爱, 在, 或者在生产过程之后.


10. 心理健康护士

  • 教育要求: 硕士学位和注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加31%
  • 工作地点: 医院、康复中心、精神病院
  • 相关证书: N/A
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年64,50美元

A mental health nurse specializes in the diagnosis 和 treating of psychological disorders in patients. Counseling services are also often an essential duty within this nursing discipline.

选择本专业,如果: you are interested in developing a meaningful relationship with patients in order to provide them with an all-encompassing level of care that helps their emotional 和 mental needs.


11. 护士教育工作者

  • 教育要求: 硕士学位和注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加19%
  • 工作地点: 医院、大学、社区学院
  • 相关证书: 注册护士教育者考试
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年68,450美元

Nurse educators are responsible for teaching nursing students about caring for patients. They may teach comprehensive lessons about nursing in general, or focus on specific areas of nursing. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 如何成为一名护士教育者 or 护士教育工作者职业选择.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to inspire individuals to work within the medical field in order to shape the next generation of nursing care.


12. 护士经理

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加19%
  • 工作地点: 医院、外科中心和门诊设施
  • 相关证书: Certified in Executive Nursing Practice (CENP) or Certified 护士经理 和 Leader (CNML)
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年80,707美元

The role of a nurse man年龄r is that of a supervisory clinical path. Many nurse man年龄rs move into an administrative role 和 h和le tasks that include recruitment of nurses, creating schedules 和 make decisions regarding budget 和 man年龄ment.

选择本专业,如果: you desire an administrative position within the medical field 和 would like to man年龄 a team of nurses.


13. 护士助产士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加9%
  • 工作地点: 医院和医生办公室
  • 相关证书: 美国护士助产士学院认证
  • 薪水范围: 平均年薪6.3万美元

助产士专门负责照顾孕妇. They also assist in labor 和 delivery, as well as in prenatal appointments. Nurse midwives continue their care after the delivery room by educating 和 counselling new mothers on adjusting to life with a newborn.

选择本专业,如果: you are interested in a holistic approach to women's health 和 childbirth.


14. 护士

  • 教育要求: 护理实践硕士或博士学位(DNP)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加31%
  • 工作地点: 医院医生办公室
  • 相关证书: 根据护理专业的认证
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年103880美元

Nurse practitioners serve as primary 和 specialty care providers, delivering advanced nursing services to patients 和 their families. They may also perform physical examinations, order testing 和 prescribe medications. 如果你想了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 执业护士该做什么 or 如何成为执业护士,阅读这些综合性的文章.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to advance your nursing career in order to provide more in-depth care that is similar to that of a doctor's care, but with more return on investment in terms of the cost of getting your degree.


15. 护理管理人员

  • 教育要求: 理学学士学位 及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加20%
  • 工作地点: 医院门诊中心
  • 相关证书: 认证取决于专业领域
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年96540美元

A nursing administrator is similar to a nurse man年龄r, but on a much larger scale. One of the primary duties of a nursing administrator is to oversee entire units of nursing teams. The operation of the unit relies on the man年龄ment of the nursing administrator to run smoothly 和 effectively.

选择本专业,如果: you would like to man年龄 large teams of nurses 和 thrive on organizational man年龄ment.


16. 肿瘤科护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加19%
  • 工作地点: 医院癌症治疗中心
  • 相关证书: 1000小时的注册护士培训
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年65,470美元

The treatment of cancer is what oncology nurses are highly trained in, 和 they help educate patients about their treatment options or remission status. Oncology nurses will continue to monitor their patients progress 和 symptoms, 可以开药方.

选择本专业,如果: you are seeking a nursing profession that allows you to care for a patient who is facing a critical illness 和 you are able to educate your patient 和 their families about treatments 和 different possible outcomes.


17. 骨科护士

  • 教育要求: 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加26%
  • 工作地点: 医院医生办公室康复中心
  • 相关证书: 骨科护士资格考试(ONC)
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年76,282美元

Orthopedic nurses focus on musculoskeletal issues 和 diseases that include fractured bones, 关节炎, 关节置换术与骨质疏松. They can help care for physical issues, as well as intricate disease man年龄ment.

选择本专业,如果: 你想帮忙给骨折的骨头打石膏, administering pain medication 和 developing plans to man年龄 muscular/bone issues.


18. 儿科护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加26%
  • 工作地点: 医生办公室,医院
  • 相关证书: N/A
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年64600美元

From infancy into teen年龄 years, a pediatric nurse specializes in care for children. 就像其他护士一样, 儿科护士可以进行身体检查, 诊断疾病并制定治疗计划.

选择本专业,如果: you're interested in providing basic medical care for children ranging from newborns into adolescents 和 young adulthood.


19. 公共卫生护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加19%
  • 工作地点: 医院、社区诊所
  • 相关证书: 公共/社区卫生护理考试
  • 薪水范围: 平均每年56111美元

A public health nurse advocates 和 teaches communities about important health information concerning their society. They strive to educate their patients about different treatment options, prevention of disease 和 assist individuals with medical care. 作为一名公共卫生护士,加入我们的 公共卫生硕士学位 其特点是注重卫生公平.

选择本专业,如果: you are interested in helping the health of large communities of people rather than working one-on-one with a patient.


20. 旅行护士

  • 教育要求: 副学士或 理学学士学位,以及注册护士执照(RN)
  • 预期就业增长: 增加19%
  • 工作地点: 医院医生办公室
  • 相关证书: 依赖于专业
  • 薪水范围: 因合同/地点而异

Travel nurses are unique in that they are able to move from location to location based on their contract, 并与来自不同地区的患者互动. Travel nurses also receive their hourly pay, accompanied by a housing stipend. Along with the satisfaction of working 和 learning in new locations, travel nurses are able to broaden their experiences both professionally 和 personally through their journey.

选择本专业,如果: you want to live 和 work in different settings in order to gain both professional 和 life experience by exploring various settings.




If you're interested in furthering your education to become any of these 护士的种类, 格温内斯默西大学的弗朗西丝. Maguire School of Nursing 和 健康 Professions can help you acheive your career goals.

If you still aren't sure what nursing specialties might be right for you, take the 我应该成为什么样的护士? 测验来发现你潜在的职业道路!